

Have you been noticing how easy it is to escape from our lives through the way we are using the technologies? Nowadays there is always a way to get out of where we don’t want to be, or what we don’t want to feel, or what we don’t want to experience.Think about it for a moment. Exactly what is it that we are trying so hard to get away from? Exactly what is it that is so awful that we cannot bear to be with?

Escapism is defined as the need to get out of, or away from, reality. It is essential to register that the very same reality we are trying so hard to get away from, is in fact, our very own lives.These lives that we are trying to get out of are, in fact, the very same ones that we ourselves have created, and continue to create; whether we know it or not. Whether we accept that as true or not.

If you buy this, then the most obvious question here becomes why do we create, day after day, lives we are so desperate to get out of? And while reflecting on ourselves in this way can be time-consuming and difficult to be with, without this knowledge, we live as if our lives are something we would just rather not be a part of. Lived long enough this becomes the hallmark of our existence, and the legacy we leave behind.

Without the recognition of the painful “realities” we have been creating through stress, busyness, and distraction we wind up using the technologies as a perpetual escape hatch as opposed to a tool to uplift our lives. Through our escapist uses of the screens, we create the life-depleting belief that we are getting away from something. That we are getting ourselves to a more desirable “reality.” Virtually. When looked at through the lens of escapism, all of this is true.

What is also true is that we are individually and collectively creating a world that is noticeably and distinctively uninhabited by people. Without occupying the world of our own making, we live removed from the truth. That being that when we live at a distance from seeing and feeling what is not working for us, there is no opportunity to self-correct. That being that our lack of personal accountability becomes a loss not only in our lives, but in the lives of others as well. And if there are enough of us vacating our lives, what will that do to the ones who choose to remain?

Some of us will go on to live all of our lives like this. Some of our children are having their lives built on becoming exquisitely skilled escape artists. If this is you, one way out is to begin an honest exploration of why it is that you feel so compelled to create a life built on such inhumane levels of busyness and overload, that you are left with one, and only one option; get out of your life any way you can.

P.S. If you want a big reality check, find Generation Zapped; a documentary on the negative impact the wireless technologies are having on our health, and the health of our children.